You have some audio recording capable sofwares like Wavosaur or Streamosaur, and you want to record the audio output of your computer.
It is useful when you need to :
- record web radio
- sample live audio streaming Continue reading
You have some audio recording capable sofwares like Wavosaur or Streamosaur, and you want to record the audio output of your computer.
It is useful when you need to :
When a new version of Wavosaur is available for download, many users ask how to update Wavosaur. Wavosaur has no installer, so there is no “uninstaller”. Some users aren’t comfortable with this!
Wavosaur is a single executable, if you have wavosaur.exe you got all you need ! Continue reading
Now that Wavosaur can work natively on 64 bit systems, we need some 64 bit VST plugin effects that are full 64 bit. Many of the free VST plugins are still 32 bit, but we have found some nice 64 bit plugins, for your needs : compressor, limiter, reverb, equalizer, filter, distorsion !
Info and free download @
This software compressor is very clean, works nice with any input, and has all the controls you need. You can use it on the master if you want, it has this transparent quality. It’s free, it’s x64, it’s funky.
Wavosaur has been updated !
The version is now ready for download :
Wavosaur is now available as 32 bit application AND 64 bit application !
The 64 bit version runs natively on 64 bit Windows system, like Windows 7 and Windows 8, this means Wavosaur can adress more RAM. And of course can run 64 bit VST plugins.
In this version we also fix bug with the VST host, that was causing some plugins to stop working, like the Izotope plugins.
The VST compatibility is improved !
Imagine you’ve just made some recordings using a digital recorder, and when importing the files into an audio editor : the volume is too low ! you can barely hear what have been recorded.
And of course, you can’t re-record with a good level.
This happens too if you get files from someone, and the files were badly recorded.
Easy ! just crank up the volume!
Sometimes it’s just easy as that, but depending on your recording, it can be more complex.
We present four methods, and in which case you may use one method or another : Continue reading
Imagine you have a sound file that was badly recorded, with no possibility to re-record, and with no clean version : how to deal with the clipping, the saturation, the distorsion ?
Imagine you have a mix/(pre)mastering that was crushed-to-death in a “loudness war” fashion and you have lost all the original files :
how to fix this mess ?
Is there a possibility to clean / smooth the sound ?
how to “unsaturate” ?
can i have declipping ?
-> no <-
it’s too late, we can’t go back to the clean sound!
But we can do our best to limit the damages.
here’s some informations :
And now a selection of plugins to help fixing the clipping disasters :
You have some old projects somewhere, or you are in love with the old school style of Visual C++ 6, but nowadays, Windows doesn’t like softwares of the last century.
If you use VC6, and after the installation, the MSDEV.exe prgoram crashes with Windows 8.1, you have to follow those steps : Continue reading
Tired of VST plugins that produce or transform sounds ?
It’s time for a pause ! it’s time for useless VST ! it’s time to play !
Here’s the top 5 of the best of the best VST games.
Why only five VST plugins ?
Because we only found five.
info & download @
You are a Wavosaur user and want to use it on Linux ?
You are a Linux user and not satisfied with the free audio editors for Linux ?
You want another free audio editor for Linux ?
You can do it ! don’t hesitate to refer to this post in our Wavosaur forum :
We have tested with:
You have just recorded vocals, you did not forget the anti-pop filter BUT
some harsh sounds still remain. sss
How to get rid of those annoying sibilances, harsh sound on “s” “ss” “sh” “ch” “z” ?
=> You can edit by hand if you have time, but it can be very tedioussss !
Or you can use a DE-ESSER, for automatically remove those annoying “s” in your vocal.
We have selected 3 FREE VST plugins you can use in Wavosaur or any audio editor or sequencer, that does the job ! let’s go :
download for free ! =>
The gool old VST by DigitalFishPhones, it’s dead simple, and nothing prevents you from using two Spitfish in serie. It removes efficiently the “sss” sound.