Rave Generator Is Not Dead

Rave Generator III

RaveGenerator3 is not free anymore ๐Ÿ™ but with some promotion it will be cheap as dirt and then you’ll get it, and will wonder : where are all my good RaveGenerator2 sounds ?!

Download the following zip archive and place the right folders in the right place !

Rave Generator 3 ! Back From Hell !


Download RaveGenerator 2 Samples & Presets for Rave Generator 3

For Windows :

Copy RG2 Factory (located in the Samples folder) to C:\Users\$USERNAME\\appData\Local\Audioblast\RaveGenerator3\Samples
please note that appData is a hidden folder so go to your Windows settings to make it appears if you can’t see it.

Copy the Presets folder anywhere you want and use “Set User Preset Path” from the RaveGenerator3 UI settings to locate this folder : the RaveGenerator2 presets will appears under
the section “User Presets” !

For Mac OS :

Copy RG2 Factory (located in the Samples folder) to

Copy the Presets folder anywhere you want and use “Set User Preset Path” from the RaveGenerator3 UI settings to locate this folder : the RaveGenerator2 presets will appears under
the section “User Presets” !

For Linux :

Copy RG2 Factory (located in the Samples folder) to

Copy the Presets folder anywhere you want and use “Set User Preset Path” from the RaveGenerator3 UI settings to locate this folder : the RaveGenerator2 presets will appears under
the section “User Presets” !

12 thoughts on “Rave Generator Is Not Dead

    1. Wavosaur Post author

      There’s a flash turbo promo till the 7 april it should be less expensive ๐Ÿ˜€
      The RG3 come with original sounds and presets, no copyright issues.
      As this is also a sampler anything can be loaded into (and copyrighted sounds of course!), the RG2 bank has copyrighted sounds

  1. Scotty

    It’s an amazing program, but not sure I can afford it at present.
    Besides, for me, the original sounds were what made it so good. This is essentially a sample player, but i already have two very good ones that can out-perform this. I do like the presets of RG3, but they just aren’t as good as having those of RG2! Maybe in a couple months I’ll buy it?! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hey! It’s Full of RAVE

    I LIKE it Like THAT
    Am i Hallucinating from the EARS ? i HearD a LANDLORD piano, but TUNED in C W T F W T F
    i NEED !
    i’m desesperately waiting for a big PROMO, NEED ! need need.

    Hardcore you KNOW the score

    Hasta la vistaprint !

  3. Katz

    Can anyone help me with install on M1 Mac? I copied the files over as said.

    In Ableton, I can see certain wav sounds in the Rave Generator 2 folder in Packs. From here I can add them to tracks and listen to the sounds.

    However I am trying to bring up the actual RG2 program with the keyboard etc. For that I can’t seem to find it anywhere in Ableton?


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