Rave Generator 2 free plugin for Mac / Windows / Linux
Everybody should know the first version of the famous RaveGenerator VST plugin : a rompler with a lot of funky rave stabs/samples coming straight from the 90’s, for the late-to-the-party, here’s the link with full description : https://blog.wavosaur.com/rave-generator-vst-free-90s-stab-synth/
Now the version 2 is ready and full of improvements :
- Mac OS X, Windows and Linux compatible VST ! + AudioUnit version for Logic users.
- up to 147 internal sounds.
- sampler vs rompler : you can load your own samples !
- you can layer samples (up to 16 sounds).
- multi timbral : you can assign different MIDI channels to each sample.
- editable / automatable loop points per sample.
- tune/pan/volume + volume & pitch envelope per sample.
- AKAIZE effect from hell for your speed garage time-stretched vooooiiiicccceees.
- reverse, awful delay, green colors, working embeded keyboard.
- pitch bend.
Download for FREE!
Rave Generator 2 VST (Windows)
Rave Generator 2 VST/AU (Mac OS X)
The plugin is available in 32 & 64 bit, it comes with a user guide in PDF format.
If you like and want to encourage, don’t hesitate to donate anything you want 🙂 =>
Mac OS X :
The plugin need Mac OS X 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion) or newer, if you have 10.6 or 10.7, drop me an email and i -can- provide you an alpha version : this version has not been tested and lack some features !
Unlike the VST/AU Speek, this time i didn’t code the AudioUnit “from scratch” but used the incredible Symbiosis VST / AU from NuEdge : http://nuedge.net/article/5-symbiosis
a big thank to the author !
There are still some limitations / small bugs, please read the user guide & FAQ text.
I’ll fix that in next release. I’ve also planned to add some features (most wanted is the “drag and replace” sample).
The plugin is VST2 (and AudioUnit) and has been tested on Ableton Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Logic, Renoise, Reaper, Protools (via wrapper), Psycle, MadTracker, Temper, Bitwig, Tunafish, VSTHost, SaviHost, TobyBear MiniHost, Giada, Melodo, PedalBoard, AuLab, Nuendo, Ardour, EnergyXT, Studio One, Mutools, VSTLord, Cantabile, Xlutop Chainer, Maschine.
Here’s some more famous samples origin for all the old school rave loverz !
the yeah! sample
Here’s a “YEAH” sample that ended on the famous “Zero G Datafile 1 CD”
then from here it was used in TONS of rave tunes,
you WILL recognize immediately, listen to the intro of :
Derek B – Good Groove
the famous “yeah” in:
- 2 Unlimited – Get Ready 4 This
- Quadrophonia – Quadrophonia
- U96 – Das Boot
- Cascade – Do What You Wanna Do
and countless songs!
The 2 Ulimited Get Ready 4 This stab !
this one is coming from… the 70’s 🙂
Back to 1977, we have this LP with 250 super deejays jingles : perfect for your radio show.
here’s a short sample with some of the jingles :
250 discojingles
now listen to the jingle ( @ 1’17 in the video)
and cut all but the last stab before the voice =>
Let’s load the short stab into the funky sampler and GO! Get Ready To Paaartay !
The “88 to Piano” stab
Now go back to 1988 with this funky stab we can hear on
The Minutemen – Bingo Bongo
this is probably that record that was sampled for those rave hits from the 1992 :
The Ultimate Seduction – House Nation
Mainx – 88 To Piano
and they maybe all have sampled the stab from the famous Nitro Deluxe tracks !
unlike the Inner City stab, it’s not found on the original mix but on the “dub” mix, right at the start
Nitro Deluxe – Let’s Get Brutal (Dub Mix)
The “Landlord” stab again !
The real origin of the “Landlord” stab : https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-electronic-music-production/990794-i-think-i-found-real-origin-landlord-stab.html
The Todd Terry Black Riot stab !
listen to this funky freestyle tune 🙂
specially @ 4’38
Sequal – Not Too Late Dub
The screaming aaaaaah in Cameo Money
coming from a powerful acapella from Patti Labelle and the Something Special (is Gonna Happen Tonight) funky song from 1986
this one was sampled and used with great effect on the Cameo – Money (Reese remix) and many other rave songs ! like Blame – Music Takes You.
and now go back to the studio and make some f***cking uptempo records !
Very cool that this is still being developed. This is perfect for a project in mind, hopefully I’ll get to it this year. Thanks!
Wow!! I just found it now, for some reason my searches yesterday wouldn’t point me at this page…. p u r r f e c t!!!
Absolutely incredible, and has leapt to the top of my favourite VST list (sucks for you, Massive! :P)
Loving the new timestretch and looping functionality, and the M1 piano is an unexpected gem.
Soon as I get paid, donations coming! Absolutely splendid work.
hardcore will never die
I have Mac OS X 10.7.5 and I’m dying to get this VST working! Can you help??
Kind regards,
Hi there, I have Mac os High Sierra 10.13.4
I can’t get this to work “rave generator”
Could you please assist, I followed the installation instructions and its not showing up on logic pro x.
Kind regards
hello I have followed the steps to get this working but nothing seems to work for me I don’t know if I’m typing it in wrong on terminal or if there is some sorts of privacy I need to fix but this is a complete head ach I’m not the computer smart type I just know how to make tunes can someone tell me how I can install this I have a Mac Pro big sur m1 chip I use and I Ableton live
Hi I’ve tried to get this to work for ableton 10, stuck it in my VST places, but no luck, is it missing something? other DLL files had installers that gave .VST’s do i change the dll to vst myself? what am i missing here?
Thank you
Hi There
I’ve just discovered your amazing synth Rave Generator 2
I’m happy to pay but unfortunately it’s not working on my Mac I’m running Mac OS Mojave 10.14
Can you please help
You can try this:
– Open a terminal and type the following command:
auval -v aumu RAV2 Wavo
After that, open System Preferences-> Security & Privacy and check if you’ll need to allow permissions
Mate you are a hero, ive spent 2 hours trying to get this to work.
For anyone else who is just scrolling through trying to get it to work if this method doesn’t work the first time shut down your computer and do it again and it should work fine
Checking in 2024, this works on OSX Sonoma
Wow ! Really impressive, such a creepy tune collection in the box. I’ll definitely throw a few of them in my next tubie !
You’re a legend and I love you.
hey there . i just found this version 2 and it has some great oldschool samples. after playing around with it for an hour or so ,i just have one question .is it possible to add your own samples to the library or create a library . i have some oldschool tracks to lift some sample from . would be nice to put it all in the vst and not in a seperate sampler of sorts. anyway ,keep up the good work
there’s a “user” folder in the sample browser, you can right click and set a path to any folder on your HD:
this is recursive so you can have as many subfolder as you want.
oh yes .. i see now.. thank you very much . i thought that was for storing presets of the samples already packed in the vst and not for my own samples . very nice indeed . thnx a lot
How do I install the sound bank 2 on mac that comes in the stall folder?
are you using the VST or AudioUnit version ?
with the VSt it’s just a matter of loading ( all hosts can load fxp/fxb )
but with the AU, i still have to provide an archive with the 64 preset converted to .aupreset !
Hi there,
I love the synth.
Was wondering how to open the bank2 you have provided there.
I loaded the .fxb file into the user section, but I’m having trouble loading the presets…
Cheers…I’ll explore the inbuilt presets in the meantime…
got it now…all good!
Have you been able to convert bank2 to .aupreset?. I love this plugin, it’s so fun!
Sorry, but this explanation is not clear, I uploaded the .fxb file in the user section, but nothing happens.
Ableton 10.1 – RaveGenerator2 VST – MacOS 10.14.6
Hii! I have OSX 10.7.5,could you send me the alpha version?? It looks so much fun!!
Yes !!!! Rave Generator 2 free plugin for Mac / Windows / Linux i use linux
So cool…! But doesn’t these samples need clearance or something if used??
No they don’t need clearence.Old skool hardcore is made from sampleing.You can get all the stabs in so many other sample packs in single file.Putting them in a generator is a great idea,it’s just a bit of fun.There’s really no money to be made in old skool hardcore these days.
Can I use it as if a S-1000, load in WAVs and run things with a keyboard – it wouldn’t be Rave, it’s for making soundtracks using samples and mangling them with subsequent absolutely absurd effects afterwards. No “notes” allowed – only “sounds”. The basic name for this style is Musique Concrète – art stuff (LOL) and there will be rhythm elements as well.
Copyright issue to do with drum groove samples “old skool”: #1 on the list is “Funky Drummer” and #2 is “White Horse”. The latter costed $5000.- but no subsequent royalties; it was a one-off fee. The recording is done by the Danish Pop outfit Laid Back with a Roland TR-808 and no special effects other EQ / compressor on each of its 8 outputs. Free samples are now available on the net and are not copyright “compositions” as would an 8-bar line of melody be. This is a comment on Makedon’s question.
Hi I tried this it doesn’t seem to recognise wav or mp3, what format of samples does it load up and is there a converter for wavs to that format? P. S great plugin by the way, some more pianos next time would be good.
It should load wav mp3 and many other formats
how did you load the samples ?
It’s great for adding vocal samples and phrases aswell and playing around scratching them in etc.10/10.
This plug in is great, good job guys
My only issue is when you load the vsti in cubase 9 on windows 10 it resizes your DAW back to the set resolution if you have scale and layout set to high than 100% in your display settings
mind i am working in resolutions higher than 1920×1080
any answer to the gui resize prob started using this plugin again in maschine but when i open it up it then resizes my maschine daw gui to smaller size, i have it large due to bad eyesight, any work arounds at all ?
fixed with RG3 i tested the demo and WORKS in MaScHiNe :-))
hi i would like the version for mac osx 10.6
FUckin awesome stuff! but i have a little problem 🙁 all ableton started cracking down if i try to add any element to the main window except the first folder “stabs”. Help if you can pleeeese! i have x64 mac with osx El Capitan 10.11.6
i have literally tons of beta testers with Mac OS X this is the first time i hear about this problem!
does it happen all the time ? do you use the 32 or 64 bit version ? the VST or the AudioUnit ?
yeap! i have some problem. Ableton crashIng down if i try add any Stabs except the first folDer 🙁
x64 mac os 10.9.5, ableton 9.5
Anyone else having issues with Logic Pro 10.3.2 on High Sierra? For some reason it doesn’t show the AU in the plugin manager.
does the plugin appeat after retarting the session ?
If not, what happen if you type this in the terminal :
auval -v aumu RAV2 Wavo
Hi (and thanks for the amazingly fast re),
No luck after restarting the session (also tried to remove the component file, restarting, re-adding it to the library folder for components and restarting again.
When running the au validator, this is what I get:
VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: ‘aumu’ – ‘RAV2’ – ‘Wavo’
ERROR: Cannot get Component’s Name strings
ERROR: Error from retrieving Component Version: -50
* * FAIL
FATAL ERROR: didn’t find the component
Here is the same error here with 10.13.6 and Logic 10.4.2
I Have the same error in macOS 10.14 with last version of logic.
would be very helpful fix it cause it is one of my favourite plugins.
donations are coming
I’m still having trouble installing it the right way I need help it would be cool If someone would do a stap by step on how to install to a Mac with Logic Pro x thanks if not I’ll pass on this
where did you copy the RaveGenerator2.component file ?
usually it works with both /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components and /Users/yourusername/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components but Apple may have changed that too, maybe it only works in one of the folder and not the other..
tried both:
ls /Users/xxxxx/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
ls /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
I also get the same error. I love this VST but can’t get it to work on my new iMac pro.
Last login: Tue Oct 30 10:37:49 on console
jesses-iMac-Pro:~ jesseheifetz$ auval -v aumu RAV2 Wavo
AU Validation Tool
Version: 1.6.1a1
Copyright 2003-2013, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Specify -h (-help) for command options
VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: ‘aumu’ – ‘RAV2’ – ‘Wavo’
ERROR: Cannot get Component’s Name strings
ERROR: Error from retrieving Component Version: -50
* * FAIL
FATAL ERROR: didn’t find the component
jesses-iMac-Pro:~ jesseheifetz$
I have figured out how to get this to work. You must do a rescan of all plug in in Logic Pro X. To do so, follow these instructions.
Rescan all plug-ins
To automatically rescan all installed plug-ins, remove the Audio Unit cache file.
In the Finder press Option and choose Go > Library.
In the Finder window go into ~Library/Caches/AudioUnitCache.
Move the files from AudioUnitCache folder to the Desktop.
Restart the computer, then open Logic Pro X or MainStage. All installed Audio Unit plug-ins will be rescanned.
Absolutely incredible collection of unforgettable sounds. Thank you so much for providing this!
I have one question regarding workflow when using the RG2. You added the really cool feature to layer variable sounds in the plug in, but it automatically adds a new sound as layer when double clicking on a new sound. So if you want to a new sound only without layer you have to press the “x” and then load a new one inside. I know you offer this for free and this plug in is more about to get some sick sounds than having the perfectly programmed Vst but I just don’t get why you need to make more clicks to chose a new sound than for layering sounds, do you understand how I mean?
But I want to say again, amazing work from you guys!
To bad the plugin is not working in fl studio 12.5.1?
And i put the dll file in vst folder, and try to search for new plugins.
So no raving for me, and i want to go back in time :-p
I thought this is a synthesizer, but it’s just a collection of copyright infringements.
“copyright infringments” ?
haha, funny one. where were you when we discussed that topic in the 90s ?
if you thought that’d be a synths than you most definitely didnt read the description.
Hi, can you share the alpha version? 10.6.9
Thx 🙂
thanks for this gem btw , and for wavosaur
This idea is really cool, hope we get to know more about it so soon in future. and the great collection of sound thanks for sharing this with us. I am happy because it is available also for the window because I have seen the new technology is coming works of mac :(. and I am using window 🙂
visit me to resolve its issues.
Many thanks for this, love how it’s done 🙂
this is just epic, many thanks for keeping this in development!
Hi! Please could you send me the alpha version for 10.6
Really looking forward to giving this some use
Could you please send me the alpha version for 10.6
Really looking forward to giving this some use.
Best regards.
me too !!
Hi there,
could you send me a version for mac osx 10.7 please ?
Best 🙂
Hi would be great if you could send the alpha version.
Im on OSX 10.6.8 . Will the alpha version work with this OS?
Has the M1 piano disappeared I can only see the M1 organ?
what the fuck is this akaize effect? i know this effect. i’m searching for this effect since many years. i was not able to describe this effect to other people. i haven´t found this effect in the internet. and now your ravegenerator makes this effect!!!!!
i can`t believe that i have found this effect finally.
thank you thank you thank you
(could you describe me the technique behind this effect?)
(could you describe me the technique behind this effect?) => the old school time expand is time based basically you repeat a fixed amount of sample : “signal” become “ssssiiigggnnnnaaalll” you have to crossfade between each repetition
Fruity Granulator has this feature in 2002
Ok so I went to install the vst for FL Studio 20. I have installed 3rd party plug-ins before, and they all work, accept with this one, it will not show up no matter what I do. How do I fix this?
Hi, what OS are you using ?
I’m having the same issue. I’m on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.1. Do you have any update on a new version?
vst keeps making my fl studio program go much smaller in size than the vst itself,
I love Linux operating system this is true windows is easy for use for us but if we are a think about the safe side they Linux is better then windows.
Are these samples royalty free?
Of course they’re not, and if you use these samples you may end up IN JAIL.
In JAIL???
please add the classic breaks to this awesome vst please
Can anyone tell me if the vocal samples are royalty free and usable to feature on a release?
Would be a great help, thanks in advance.
Is there a possibility of a fix for the plugin stopping Cubase from opening an editor with a double click when Ravegenerator 2 is loaded ? Would be amazing.
up to 147 internal sounds and pitch blend!!
WOOOOT WOOOOT hell yeah!
Me and a friend downloaded this plugin. He’s on mac, I’m on windows. He got the m1 organ. I got the m1 piano. We both want both sounds. Is there any way of fixing this? hahaa.
thats sick dog, just what i was looking for. works perfectly fine. thank you
can’t get rave generator working on my 2012 MacBook Pro.. I dragged it to the vst folder and still no luck
not installed or played yet but can’t wait too. Just going through the moaning comments about sample rights and royalties. guys make a big enough track, and they will find you!. until you earn your first million through your music just go with it, use them, like back in the day sampling is art in its own right. big fuck it! you try searching thease old labels that no longer exist for contact details about clearing a sample for use on a shitty edm beatbort release to 1000 people.
can u please send me the alpha version for mac 10.7, rave generator, would be much appreciated. Great sounds, thanks!!
(Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7, drop me an email and i -can- provide you an alpha version)
ilove the pugin buti have a similar problem to some one above when i use it as a vst in
cubase or the new acid pro 9 as i was ging it a blast the rave gen plugin causes the gui
to shrink down to a size so small that i cannot read anything on screen ive tried dropping the screen resolution but i cannot get it to a readable size and until i remove the plugin from the song i cannot do any work any ideas ?
thank you
Great VST, great description! I’m pretty sure the T99 stab comes from Carl Orff – O Fortuna , Fortune plango vulnera (From ‘Carmina Burana’) (The 70s “Old Spice advert for UK readers)
Is there a way to make the VST monophonic, as in you can only play one note at a time?
Hi there, I tried to download the app and use it in fl studio. I am quite new to music production and not the best with computers. Some of the sounds are mouthwatering and I’m dying to use it but I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I’ve tried taking the file and putting it into my plugin file but then when I try to add it in it dosent show up ? Can anyone help I would really appreciate the help so I can make some stanky beats.
I’m running my MAc with Catalina and couldn’t get your wondeful Synth/Sampler to work on Logic Pro X. I copied the .component file to the component folder but i get a error message saying that Logic Can’t open it !!!
Please Help ME
same problem, it’s not working with Catalina : / help anyone ?
fucking catalina
Same Catalina problem here, can’t get it to show up at all….first getting the unverified message, opened the file (pops up in Max) to allow it in future
Rescanning in ABleton brings no joy….any chance of some help?
have you tried this workaround ?
=> https://rogueamoeba.com/support/knowledgebase/?showArticle=SoundSource-10-15-Third-Party-Audio-Units
Please. Recompile your macOS VST and Audio Unit with the new security policies. Otherwise, we can’t use them anymore… Thanks
Totally new to this but this vst is awesome. Is there anyway to use my PC keyboard to play it?
Is t nog mogelijk om een versie voor osx 10.6 te krijgen ?
have you tried this workaround ?
=> https://rogueamoeba.com/support/knowledgebase/?showArticle=SoundSource-10-15-Third-Party-Audio-Units
Boom I got it working!!
having problems with Catalina
have you tried this workaround ?
=> https://rogueamoeba.com/support/knowledgebase/?showArticle=SoundSource-10-15-Third-Party-Audio-Units
Any plans on Qt5 for Linux support?
Qt4 is no longer available in Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (Focal Fossa).
Does anybody found a solution for the Catalina users? Its a shame because this plugin is amazing 🙁
have you tried this workaround ?
=> https://rogueamoeba.com/support/knowledgebase/?showArticle=SoundSource-10-15-Third-Party-Audio-Units
Hi there
is the rave generator ok to use in commercial productions?
Hi, Love the plug in! But for some reason the M1 Piano is missing. I’m using the Logic component. How can I get the M1 piano preset?
Hi! Can you do preset “” buttons? It’s very painful to navigate on Ableton.
I mean “left arrow” and “right arrow”. Site filter ruined symbols
Hey your plugin really sounds amazing, just a shame I can’t use it on my macbook (Catalina). The work around also doesn’t seems to be working in my case. Still plans to update the rave generator so it would work on macbook? Woudn’t mind donating if I could use the plug-in
Hi ,I need this vst when it will be work on Catalina macOS ?
I can buy it is it possible )))
Damn – just updated to catalina and yeah…… so cool that apple have killed my fav. PlugIns!!!! please please please do an update! Make it a pay plug in Ill buy it I love Rave Generator! – Please please please 🙂
porfavor actualizacion para mac catalina rave generator 2
Can I have the ALPHA version for MAC? I have a iMac Pro running Catalina and Cubase Pro
Please do an update for catalina users man!
Would love to pay for it.
Why for the life of me apple gives you the option to open anyway in the security and privacy general preference tab if it’s not gonna work, rave generator has been blocked on my mac os catalina but the option to decide to open anyway is there under this tab but nothing happens when you click it just silly like, the workaround is maybe an option but a bit of a pain having to do everytime u reboot, hopefully you guys resolve this soon and maybe even just find a way of us beeing able to use the open anyway feature in security and privacy tab allow apps section on mac sorted
I’m wondering if anyone has been able to run the Rave Generator 2 VST on a Raspberry Pi in Reaper (or another DAW). I would imagine that needs to be compiled on the Pi ($ ./configure $ make $ make install) – is this a possibility?
DDMF metaplugin 64 has solved the Catalina OS problem for me.It takes a bit of juggling but i got it to work on my mac.
The plug in allows you to run a 32 bit plugin of your choice (RG etc) wrapped inside metaplugin on a Catalina OS.
Sounds like absolute filth. Now all I needs is a laptop and a DAW haha. Hopefully sometime this year I’ll have this badboy up n runnin. Just listened to the patty labelle ahhhhhhhhh in the two examples you’ve got up. Then it hit me. Dream frequency track. From what ive read it never got released, just a PA tune. Galactica rippon race course 92’…. We’re gonna get tribal, stab it ian!!
Hi ! How to make original sounds “The Immortals – Mortal Kombat (Techno-Syndrome 7 mix)” ?
How to make sounds The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) , metallic punch terminator style sounds ?
Is Awesone.. There will be Rave Generator 3?
Thanks /
Please release it for Mac Big Sur
Need help getting this plugin to work in Windows (64-bit). Whenever I load the VST into Renoise, the entire app freezes, and even after I close Renoise, it’s still running in the background.
Works for me:

Renoise 3.3.1 + Windows 10 + Rave Generator 2 (64 bit)
What OS are you running ? => Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP or other ?
I’m running Windows 10.
Also, this plugin used to work just fine on my computer, until I loaded my own samples. After that, it stopped working, and hasn’t worked since.
Hi is this synth royality free
I am ownerf of a label and i lo e this synth and i want to release some tracks wit this synth
Hi, i’m having trouble with using it on Logic Pro X (Mac OS Big Sur)
I followed all the steps in the guide but Rave Generator won’t show up in my plug-ins.
Can’t use it…
Pleas help!
Do you have the M1 chip ?
At the moment it doesn’t work natively with M1
But should work on Mac with Intel
I’m on the latest Big Sur and Logic updates and can’t make it show up in my plugins too :/
Do you have the M1 chip or is it Intel ?
Will there be M1 support in the future?
Your plugin is the deciding factor in which MAC I will be purchasing…
Hi. I’m on big sur. Can’t seem to open it. Don’t have the m1 chip.
Really weird issue with the plugin, if windows is set to scale to 125% (Super common on hi res screens on laptops) when you load the plugin it forces the DAW to reset to 100% scale and shrinks the DAW, tested in Acid Pro and Maschine.
Hello, i have Big Sur and a M1 but I cant find the vst on Ableton, even after copying it into my vst folder 🙁 please help thank you
Monterey, M1, Logic Pro 10.7.1, plugin is not detected. Unfortunately. Running in Rosetta mode.
“and now go back to the studio and make some f***cking uptempo records !”
I would love to, but it does not work with Ubuntu 21.10 and Bitwig 4.0.8. No GUI and the knobs are buggy as hell.
The UI use QT4, maybe it’s still possible to install the QT4 lib
QT5 is a no go, they removed all the useful X11 classes, not just deprecate, simply removed
Hi Im using Mac Monterey 12.2, is there an updated version of Rave Generator2 that will work with the new update?
update this .component for m1 mate !!
there are vst wrappers out there that work for this
blue cat patch work is one of them for m1 tested works logic
Using Logic on Mac Monterey 12.3.1 with an intel chip 2019 Macbook and cannot get Logic to recognize the plugins
Unfortunately does not work in Cubase 11. It immediately gets put on the blocklist as “not a valid plugin”
I think Cubase 11 was around the time Cubase became 64-bit only. So, try using RaveGenerator2-x64.dll. If that doesn’t work, then maybe you have a 32-bit version of Cubase and need to try using RaveGenerator2-x86.dll.
Any plans to release a version 3 with more stabs and updated sound quality in some of the samples?
Sorry but i cant open that in big sur 11.6.5, i’ve tried all links and all terminal actions logic say that i cant be open and contact the creator. I’m sorry about that but thats the only plugin i ever needed and i want to, do you have an alpha version of that? Im so grateful in the same case.
Hey, will there be an update for M1 please? Really love your plugin and I’d love to use it for hard techno production, I’d pay you some donation with no hesitation if you’re planing this, thanks!
Nvm, made the catalina one work on M1, thank you so much, this is gold!!!
How did you get it to work? I can’t for the life of me open it due to the message ” “RaveGenerator2.component” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. ” . I’m on an M1 Mac Mini running OS X 12.0.1 .
Hi, I have installed the VST and audio unit, I approved them in my privacy settings but ableton is not finding them, could you please offer a solution? I am using Monterrey
same for me! would love to make it work somehow… have you found an answer?
Was going through old files to trash and found Rave Generator that I downloaded a while ago….wondered if there was a way to get the samples from the file, googled and found this Rave Generator 2 VST that I popped into Reason and had fun messing around with. LOVE the early 90s technorave songs. Still have a couple “techno” tapes a friend got me from the Caesar’s Bay Bazaar back in the early 90s.
Thank you so much for making this!! I was wondering if we could get the m1 piano sample on the Mac version of this please? That’s the one sound I’ve been looking for a good sample for!
Thank you in advance!!
does this still work im on a 2019 mac m1 chip running montery
Hi, I use FL Studio. I can open the VST in FL Studio but as soon as I pick a new preset on the VST it crashes the whole of FL Studio. This Happens every time. I have tried deleting and re-downloading 3 times and it still happens. Any help is massively appreciated as I have looked everywhere and cant find a solution.
Hey Ed,
Did you manage to get a fix on this?
Same issue here!
Is there any VST3 version planned of RaveGenerator ?
It will be soon not possible to use VST2 any more… https://www.gearnews.com/steinberg-discontinues-support-for-vst2-plug-ins/
rave generator won’t show up in abelton vst plug ins
Any plans for native Apple Silicon support yet? Please don’t let this useful plugin become outdated!
Rave Generator 2 crashes in Reason 10 when I attempt to delete a patch. Windows 11.
VST 3 please
Same as above really. Tried all methods above and others with no luck. Why is it so random on why it will work or not?? MacOS Catalina 10.15.17 I am running.
Please update this to make it Apple silicon compatible!
Anyone still having issues with this and just want the samples. If you download the RaveGenerator2.vst – right click it, and hit show package components. In the Contents folder that shows up you can grab all the .wav files
Don’t fatigue yourself, you can aussi download directly all the samples in ze zip archive i posted here 😀 => https://blog.wavosaur.com/rave-generator-is-not-dead/
whoever’s here from the new Justice album, y’all are legends fr
Hello I have Mac OSX ventura. I have downloaded rave generator, it is installed in my computer, but it is not showing up in Logic Pro :/. But it’s correctly installed in my Mac and Logic Pro, but doesn’t appear on my VST. Can you help me please ? thank you
Hello. I have a windows and when i dl the file i only have .dll and no vst. When i place all the files in my vst folder daw, i cant instal him. My daw didn’t detect him. Do you have an answer? Thanx
VST are .dll files : if you have the .dll file, you have the vst 🙂
You have to copy the .dll in the VST folder (the DAW are looking in this folder to detect the vsts, the path to this folder is defined in the DAW),
just copy it where the other vsts are., that’s how it works.
Sorry for the time to respond. Thanx for the help. It’s weird cause i put all the folder in my browser daw for plug in, i scan and my daw could’nt find him. I have fl studio. i put the folder in the folder “generator” first and i try after in the folder “effect”. I succeeded to scan and load others plug in.
This is brilliant thank u s much!
early 90s techno was the best!! Awesome VST!
100% agree !
90’s Techno Rave Breakbeat Hardcore all the way !!!