Beta testers needed for RaveGenerator 2 MAC OS X

Hi everybody,

after a long and painful porting, the RaveGenerator 2 VST/AU is ready for beta testing on Mac OS X!

look at the beast :

RaveGenerator 2 is coming on MAC

RaveGenerator 2 is coming on MAC

if you have a MAC, don’t hesitate to try the beta version.
leave a message in the comments or write an email to :

and don’t forget to give details about your configuration :

  • 32 or 64 bit
  • OS version
  • what host are you using (32 or 64 bit, what version).

so far i tested in Ableton 9.2.3 32 bit, Renoise 64 bit, Reaper 64, VSTLord, AULab
seems to work 🙂

Come on don’t be shy !!

201 thoughts on “Beta testers needed for RaveGenerator 2 MAC OS X

      1. Rob

        This is just what i’ve been looking for. I would love to test if still possible. Running 64bit Cubase 8.5 on OSX 10.13.1


    1. Wavosaur Post author

      email sent
      tell me if you got it
      i still have zero reply, maybe the plug had crashed the MAC so hard that other beta testers can’t use their computer anymore

  1. Haider

    Yes please! My buddy already tested the windows beta, I fell in love, have been waiting for a mac beta ever since! Would be glad to help!

    1. Wavosaur Post author

      i’ve sent you an email with the download links!
      i have many beta testers, but for the moment no one has found the monstruous bug i’ve just fixed (beta 2 is coming)


    Hello and congratulations for your classic VST sounds,

    I really wanna tested, can you send a e-mail to me with a link to install?

    Thank you very much!


  3. Ryan

    Great work! I’d be delighted to test the beta. Mavericks, El Capitan on SFOTT Mac Pros and Hackintosh. Hook me up!
    Cheers, Ryan.

  4. Keven House Of Bellamy

    Hi, I’m in a band called Magnetic Pistons. We compose all sort of electronic music. I’m mostly in the box at the moment, although we do have some analog synths. I’m using Logic pro X on a 2013 iMac quad core with Motu 1248 thunderbolt audio interface. I’ve got a degree in music technology and have worked as a recording engineer for film and music festivals. I’ve also programmed 68000 assembler, so I’m pretty good with computers. I’d love to help out as a beta tester. Get in touch with details.
    Thanks…seen it on the Pc and thought it was cool.

  5. Hoof

    Hey man! Did you already have a Logic 10.3.0 user on Mac OSX 10.11.6 around to see if these great sounds do play as expected? I would be happy to beta test this wonderful work.

    Thanks in advance,


  6. Julian

    Hey! I would love to test that beautiful beast. Using Logic Pro X on the latest MacOS. Should I mention that I am known to find bugs? 😛

  7. Mikee Spice

    Hi! I would love to test this out, just what I was looking for…

    Ableton 9.7.1

    Mac, latest OSX

    DnB Producer/DJ

  8. Fank

    Hi there!

    May I try this beta, please? I just discovered the V1 and I have fallen in love, hahhaha.

    I’m working on Ableton 9.7 64 bit on mac OS El Capitan.


  9. Bren

    Really interested in trying this out and giving some feedback.

    Im running Logic Pro X 10.2.1 (so 64 bit) on Mac OS X 10.12.3


  10. Tryfonas

    Would really like to test on Logic 9.. Since there is no proper rave synth available it would be a great to have a synth for all those old skool sound we grew up with!!

  11. Rune


    i got the newst Mac book pro 2017

    i got logic pro x the newst update to

    and i like to test

    do there come a how to install it to?

  12. Schnez

    Would like to beta it for you. Always wanted to try this out but not been able to due to being on OS X. Would love to add it to my arsenal.

  13. El Bardo

    I sent you an email as well, but I’d like to test this out! My setup:
    Ableton Live Suite 9.2.2 64 bit
    Macbook Pro Early 2013, OS Sierra 10.12.4


  14. nick all

    Hey, my friend showed me this on pc, badass, would love to help test on Mac 🙂 OSX 10.9.5 Ableton 9 lite 9.7.2 64bit

  15. Paw

    Hi Wavosaur,
    I’d really like to test the VST for my MacBook Air MacOs Sierra 10.12 in Logic Pro X.

    Thanks in advance!!!

  16. Ryan Janni

    My buddy just got this for PC and said you were looking for beta testers for Mac!? I hope its not too late to get in on that!

    macOS Sierra
    64 bit Ableton Live 9 Suite 9.7.2

    Much appreciated, keep up the good work with these plug-ins!!

  17. Maurice de Leeuw

    I want to test out the beta version AU for mac

    OS Yosemite I7 32GB, 3.4 -3.8 GHZ
    Logic 10.2.4
    Studio One 3.5 both VST and au plugins running on it

    kind regards,

    Maurice de Leeuw

  18. ziggzigg

    Hi. I’ve got an iMac with MacOS Sierra (10.12.5) and want to use/try this beast with the new version of propellerheads reason 9.5 with VST.

  19. Zang

    Thanks for updating and porting this. The first version was great, glad to help with the beta

    Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11.6
    Ableton Suite 8.4.2 64 bit

  20. msc

    If the beta is still being tested I’ll give it a go and report back if you’d like

    Sierra 10.12.5
    MacBook Pro
    2.6ghz core i7
    Intel HD Graphics 4000
    Ableton Live 9.7 / Logic Pro x

    All the best –msc

  21. BassShifter

    I’m beta testing Ableton Live 10.0b145 64 bit. I had issues the first time I used this plugin in Ableton 10. All I had was static on each key press and every preset. I closed Ableton and shut down a few background programs and it worked on the second try. So it may be on my side. Ableton Live 10.0b145 Beta uses more memory than Live 9. Keep up the great work. This is a cool plugin!

  22. Jay Storm

    HI Guys !!! Great Works Thanks a Lot !!!
    I have a question / suggestion:
    Do you think it is possible to make an additional change in a loop mode for samples?
    For example the loop doesn’t change the speed when changing the note but only changes the note?
    With a button that, for example, enables / disables loop speed when note change?
    In this way when i play a groove or a melody the sounds feels better.
    Thanks !

  23. Charles Pranulis

    Would love to try this. It may be exactly what I have been searching for. I have OS 10.6.8 with Logic Pro 9. I know its not the not recent but I have been to the computer shops looking to upgrade and I have been told to stay exactly where I am as they cant sell me anything fast.
    Mac Pro
    8 core 3Ghz
    32 Megs ram
    Logic Pro 9

  24. thomas adair

    Hiya, Id love to plonk about with this.
    I make Hardcore and jungle, and use cubase 9 on an imac 10.14.5

  25. Sean

    Hi there I would really, really like to try this in 64 bit, I’m using cubase 8.5 at the moment with osx 10.11.6 thanks.

  26. Kendrick

    Hey Wavosaur team. I just downloaded Rave Generator 2, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with the newest version of Logic Pro X 10.5.1. Any chances for an update soon?

  27. Robert de Wit


    I would like to try/test the BETA version cause any version i’ve downloaded so far doesn’t seem the work with Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6, i work with Logic Pro X 10.4.8

    Hope you can help me out, thanks in advance.


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