I have ported the famous VST Speek plugin for Linux :

VSTSpeek on Ubuntu 12.04 (Renoise host)
download it now !!
– VSTSpeek for Linux 32 bit
– VSTSpeek for Linux 64 bit
it’s a Linux native VST and should work with :
– Bitwig Studio
– Renoise
– Tracktion
– Ardour
– Energy XT
– QTractor
please note that it’s a beta and could be unstable or suffer strange bugs.
Note about the key press :
Some hosts “steal” the keyboard focus, so you can’t type any words in the text zone.
It happens with Ardour 4 for example : and VST effEditKeyUp / onKeyUp (and down) are not yet implemented (“keypress are not sent to LINUXVST”) in Ardour.
That’s why i came up with a workaround : click on “Config” button then check “dirty hack”.
and now you should be able to type the words in the text field.

VSTSpeek in Ardour 4
Thanks for keeping Linux in mind!
Agree with you! Really good news about Linux…
How do I use in Ardour 6.7?
why don’t you make it open-source ?
we don’t need closed source shit on Linux
i only use it if it’s open source
why so combative? I wanted to ask the same question, but why would he ever consider it when he gets spoken to like this by “open-source advocates?”
That said, I’d love to see these opened, I personally choose open over closed source programs when available, even if not equivalent. But I recognize not everyone does, and appreciate the effort to support my OS. Its great to have options.
Thanks to wavosaur for supporting linux.
sorry but i use Linux because it’s open, and closed software are damaging for the future of the OS,
for those who want opaque black box that will be impossible to fix, Windows is here
Indeed, as ssj says, thanks for supporting Linux ! I’m sure you know that many of us would love to see Wavosaur itself in a Linux version, but meanwhile I’m enjoying RG2 and Speek. Both have been reliable in Bitwig 1.3.6 running on Fedora 21 with JACK and Planet CCRMA’s rt kernel. Fun stuff, I look forward to your next project release. 🙂
Quickly tested on Debian Sid 64 bit in Qtractor, all controls working, typing works without the “dirty hack”. I’d say you can add Qtractor to the list.
Thanks !
i added QTractor to the list.
Awesome it also works in Reaper native but I had to check the “hack-box”
Thank you!
where is this Reaper native ?
i have tested with some files from http://www.landoleet.org/dev/ but never achived to make it show the UI
Linux is so hot :–)
Linux is so good in the navy
Thank you! VST Speek works fine in MusE!
Thanks for supporting Linux. Works great in bitwig (using the text input hack). Would be great to assign controllers to the params (mouth, throat) or to trigger vowels via keys to play arbitrary texts.
QT4 is no longer shipped with Ubuntu (20.04 onwards, I think). You can get Speek to work by getting hold of two legacy QT4 libraries (libQtCore.so.4 and libQtGui.so.4) and copying them into /usr/lib.
It would be great if you found time to build a version against QT5/6 so non-techy people can still have fin with Speek. Thanks!
The windows version work for me in carla, but not the Linux version…the ui is not opening.I use ubuntu studio 20.04