Wavosaur is fresh
Wavosaur, our free audio editor, come with two downloads : 32 bit version & 64 bit version.
If you don’t know what version you should use, here some tips :
1) you run a 32 bit OS
a good old Windows XP 32 bit for example!
you have no choice : only the 32 bit Wavosaur will work.
2) you have a 64 bit OS and don’t use VST plugins with Wavosaur
you can choose the 32 or the 64 bit Wavosaur, Wavosaur 64 bit can adress more RAM of course, but basically you’ll have exactely the same software, with the same performance.
3) you have a 64 bit OS and use lot of 32 bit VST plugin effects
you have to use the 32 bit Wavosaur if you want to use your VST plugins inside Wavosaur !
for the moment Wavosaur doesn’t come with a “bridge”, so you have to match : 32 bit Wavosaur for 32 bit VST plugins.
4) you use a 64 bit OS and use 64 bit VST plugins effects
you have to download the 64 bit Wavosaur !
5) you have a 64 bit system and use 32 & 64 bit VST plugins
you can dowload and use both versions of Wavosaur, but you won’t be able to mix 32 & 64 bit VST effects in the same project/session.
and don’t forget, if you want to export in mp3 format, you have to use the right version of the Lame encoder DLL. The 64 bit Lame encoder dll can be found here : http://www.rarewares.org/mp3-lame-bundle.php